Training & Mentoring | ESDA


To provide capacity-building opportunities within the framework of the European social dialogue, the ETUC Resource Centre organises the European Social Dialogue Academy for national trade unions based in the EU and candidate countries.  

How does it work?

20 participants will get acquainted with the functioning of the cross-industry and sectoral EU social dialogue level. They will also have the opportunity to exchange with representatives from trade unions (cross industry and European federations), employer’s organisations (BusinessEurope, CEEP, UEAPME) and European Institutions (e.g. European Parliament, EESC, Social Dialogue Committee).

During the training participants are able to take part in one or more of the following activities: 

  • Observation of a social dialogue activity (i.e. Social Dialogue Committee);
  • Observation of an EU institution activity relating to employment and social issues (i.e. EP Employment Committee hearings, EESC meetings, etc.);  
  • Meetings with stakeholders from the European scene such as the ETUC and its European Industry Federations, the ETUI, the European Commission, the European Parliament; 
  • Training workshops on the European cross-industry and sectoral social dialogue. 

Who can apply? 

Trade unionists from the EU Member States and the candidate countries, with a working knowledge of English, who would like to learn more about the European social dialogue and further develop their negotiation skills. 

Where to find more information on past Training & Mentoring sessions?  

Below you can find more details about the participants and content of the "Training & Mentoring" activities already organised.  

How to apply?   
ETUC member organisations will receive an invitation letter in order to register.

European Social Dialogue Academy (ESDA) 2017 Session 2

European Social Dialogue Academy (ESDA) 2016 Session 2

Joint Training & Mentoring - 2012

To provide capacity-building opportunities within the framework of the European social dialogue, the ETUC Resource Centre organizes two joint training and mentoring seminars for national trade unions and employers in 2012 for the five candidate countries: Croatia, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey. 

The objective of each seminar wass to provide the national partners of the candidate countries a first-hand exposure to the EU Social Dialogue processes, mechanisms, actors and results, with also a focus on budget lines and advice on how social partners can submit a proposal and / or run a joint project.


1. Joint Training and Mentoring Istanbul (Turkey) 22-23/03/2012


Presentations: European Cross-industry Social Dialogue 1996 - 2011: an overview | Framework agreement on Parental Leave | Framework agreement on Inclusive Labour Markets | EU SPs labour market analysis and EU2020 Joint Declaration | Framework of actions for the lifelong learning of competencies and qualifications | EU Budget lines  


2. Joint Training and Mentoring Zagreb (Croatia) 13-14/09/2012 


List of participants

Presentations: European Cross-industry Social Dialogue 1996 - 2011: an overview | Framework agreement on Parental Leave | Framework agreement on Inclusive Labour Markets | EU SPs labour market analysis and EU2020 Joint Declaration | Framework of actions for the lifelong learning of competencies and qualifications | EU Budget lines 

Training and Mentoring group of May 2010 - June 2010

Training and Mentoring group of October 2009 - January 2010

Training and Mentoring group of December 2008 - March 2009

Training and Mentoring group of April - June 2008

Training and Mentoring group of February - May 2008