Framework Agreement on Harassment and Violence at Work
Mutual respect for the dignity of others at all levels within the workplace is one of the key characteristics of successful organisations. That is why harassment and violence are unacceptable.
BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC (and the liaison committee EUROCADRES/CEC) condemn them in all their forms. They consider it is a mutual concern of employers and workers to deal with this issue, which can have serious social and economic consequences.
ETUC, BusinessEurope/UEAPME and CEEP then signed this framework agreement on 26 April 2007, after approval by the respective decision-making bodies of these organisations.
The aim of the present agreement is to :
- increase the awareness and understanding of employers, workers and their representatives of workplace harassment and violence;
- provide employers, workers and their representatives at all levels with an action-oriented framework to identify, prevent and manage problems of harassment and violence at work.
Joint implementation reports
The implementation reports as well as the final implementation report are available for download below.
ETUC Interpretation Guide
The interpretation guide (available below) provides an overview on the content of the agreement, chapter by chapter, focusing on the main issues at stake as discussed throughout the negotiations. Furthermore, this guide provides:
- an overview of relevant EU Directives (Annex 1)
- an analysis of some EU legislation and case law proving that harassment and violence at work are covered by them (Annex 2)
- a proposal for taxonomy of violence and harassment at work (Annex 3), and
- a selection of references about harassment and violence at work (Annex 4).
It is intended to support the ETUC member organisations in the implementation of the content of this agreement and to allow better monitoring and evaluation of the results achieved.