
One of the main objectives of the Integrated Project is to provide European social partners with an overview of the specific restructuring challenges in the 27 EU Member States to pursue their discussions on economic and social change. Detailed national studies are compiled and discussed with local social partners during national seminars. These studies set out the main economic and social trends in each country, their situations in terms of restructuring and the involvement of social partners in these complex processes and a description of their industrial relations.
Between 2004 and 2006, 10 Member States (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) were addressed and common issues of concerns were presented in a final overview discussed by social partners in all EU Member States during a synthesis seminar held in Brussels in June 2006.
Ten "old" EU Member States (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Austria, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Greece) were studied and national seminars have been held in each country between 2007 and 2008.
The remaining Member States (Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania) were covered in 2009.
In this section you will find the complete list of the joint studies on restructuring, issued in the framework of the Integrated Project of the European social partner organisations.
Integrated Project I : Study on Restructuring in new Member States
Integrated Project II: Study of Restructuring in the EU27
Phase 1
Final Report (date issued: 30/09/2008): EN, FR
Country dossiers:
Sweden (date issued: ?): EN
United Kingdom (date issued: 01/09/2008): EN
Spain (date issued: 03/08/2008): EN, ES
Denmark (date issued: 15/07/2008): EN, DA
Austria (date issued: 17/06/2008): EN, DE
France (date issued: ?): EN
Italy (date issued: 29/05/2008): EN, IT
The Netherlands (date issued: 22/04/2008): EN, NL
The Republic of Ireland (date issued: 19/02/2008): EN