Joint Social Dialogue Seminar: Combatting gender stereotypes in the world of work, 27 October 2021



Gender equality, including the fight against gender stereotypes, is a key priority for the European Social Partners.  

Traditional gender roles and stereotypes continue to have a strong influence on the division of labour between men and women at home, in the workplace and in society at large, and tend to continue a vicious circle of obstacles for achieving gender equality. Social partners have a key role to play in addressing gender roles and stereotypes in employment and in the workplace, including in the context of the COVID 19 crisis.  

Past actions on the topic include the development of a framework of actions around four pillars (available here)  and a gender toolkit (available here).  

The European Social Partners would like to invite you to a seminar to exchange on combatting gender stereotypes in the world of work and identifying joint actions and solutions. The format of the seminar will be confirmed as soon as possible. 


Objectives of the seminar 

  • Raise awareness and improve understanding of employers, workers and their representatives on the EU Gender Equality Strategy and particularly on gender stereotypes. 

  • Give an opportunity to Social Partners to learn from each other and to exchange on actions taken to fight gender stereotypes, including possible best practices and challenges encountered. 

  • Discuss Social Partners’ support needs, including capacity building, and possible actions by European social partners and support from EU institutions to address these. 

