Framework of Actions for the Lifelong development of Competencies and Qualifications

In March 2002, the European social partners adopted a framework of actions for the lifelong development of competences and qualifications, as a contribution to the
implementation of the Lisbon strategy.
They identified four areas for priority actions. These priorities are:
- to identify and anticipate competences and qualifications needs;
- to recognise and validate competences and qualifications;
- to inform, support and provide guidance;
- to mobilise resources.
The member organisations of UNICE/UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC agreed to promote the framework of actions in Member States at all appropriate levels taking account of national practices and to transmit this document to all interested players at European and national levels. They decided to draw up an annual report on the national actions carried out on the four priorities identified. Three annual reports were made public in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
In 2002, the social partners also decided to evaluate the impact of their actions on both companies and workers after three annual reports – this is the purpose of the present report.
The evaluation report comprises national evaluation reports jointly elaborated by social partners in the different Member States, which highlight the key features of social partners’ work to promote the four priorities from 2003 to 2005. European social partners also report on actions taken at the European level separately.
In addition, a section entitled “main trends” summarises the information available on the initiatives taken from 2003 to 2005 and assesses the impact of the actions on labour markets across Europe.