Seminar on Provision of and access to training to support innovation - The role of social partners and collective bargaining - 11 December 2020
Rapid labour market changes such as the industry 4.0 revolution, digitalisation, social, demographic and environmental transitions and global challenges require joint actions on improving education and training systems in a way that fosters innovation and enhances employees’ re-skilling and up-skilling.
In this context the European social partners are undertaking a project on innovation, skills, provision of and access to training. This seminar is one of three thematic seminars organised as part of project activities with the aim of producing a joint report and policy recommendations.
Objectives of the seminar
- Present the initial findings from the desk research by project experts;
- Take stock of the skills needs of workers and companies for the innovation process as well as how these skills are identified;
- Assessing the opportunities and challenges relating to provision of and access to training opportunities;
- Discuss the role of workplace training in developing these skills;
- Examine the role of social partners and collective bargaining.
Presentations: Preliminary outcomes of the project Presentation by ADAPT || The interplay between innovation, work organisation and training provision, Joint presentation by Sigrid Lundetoft Clausen, Chief Adviser. Confederation of Danish Employers || Strategies to foster skills for innovation through improving the quality, effectiveness and inclusiveness of training, Jordi Vallvé López, CSR and Innovation Expert, EMATSA, Spain || The role of collective bargaining in improving the quality and relevance of training for companies and workers, Taru Reinikainen, Pro and Anni Siltanen, Kemianteollisuus || Encouraging training provision and participation though tools and initiatives, Willem van Toor, VNO-NCW MKB and Frank Pot, University Nijmegen, the Netherlands