EU SD Joint Project 2011
In the framework of their Social Dialogue Work Programme 2009-2011, the European social partners agreed to conduct actions to build on the outcomes of the previous joint projects on capacity building and to get an idea of the social partners' awareness and general assessment of the European social dialogue, its instruments as well as their effectiveness.
A major activity in this context was a European level conference "European social dialogue: achievements and challenges ahead" that took place in Budapest on 3 and 4 May 2011. The event brought together more than 70 representatives of national social partner organisations and members of the European cross-sectoral social partners ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP and UEAPME.
At the conference, main challenges that national social partners face for effective involvement in the EU social dialogue, including the extent to which EU social dialogue agreements have been implemented at national level, were identified and discussed and according to the participants, the conference contributed to an exchange of experience and information on national conditions, frameworks and contexts of social dialogue as well as the relevance of EU level social dialogue outcomes.
A comprehensive documentation of the conference, including the final expert study realised in the context of this joint exercise is here available.
- Programme of the joint Conference"European Social Dialogue achievements and challenges ahead" organised in Budapest 3-4 May 2011 (in English and French )
- Final synthesis report "European Social Dialogue achievements and challenges ahead" (in English, French and German )
- Conference minutes (only in English)
- Power point presentation "Results of the stock-taking survey amongst national social partners in the EU member states and candidate countries " made by the experts (E. Voss)
- Power point presentation "European Cross-industry Social Dialogue 1996 � 2011: an overview" made by the EU social partners (C.Sechi, G.Cravero)