Publication date :
25 March 2010
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Inclusive Market

Achieving an inclusive labour market is a multi-faceted challenge and a key concern for European social partners. Employers' and workers' representatives at all levels, as well as social dialogue, have an important role to play to address this challenge.

In the context of their European Social Dialogue Work Programmes for 2006-2008 and 2009-2010, and on the basis of their Joint Labour Market Analysis, European social partners agreed to negotiate an autonomous framework agreement on Inclusive Labour Markets.

The negotiations started on 17 October 2008 and finished on 9 December 2009. 

The ETUC (and its liaison committee EUROCADRES/CEC), BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME and CEEP then signed this framework agreement on 25 March 2010, after approval by the respective decision-making bodies of these organisations.

The main aim of the framework agreement is to:

  • Consider the issues of access, return, retention and development with a view to achieving the full integration of individuals in the labour market;
  • Increase the awareness, understanding and knowledge of employers, workers and their representatives of the benefits of inclusive labour markets;
  • Provide workers, employers and their representatives at all levels with an action-oriented framework to identify obstacles to Inclusive labour markets and solutions to overcome them.

Joint implementation reports

The joint implementation reports, as well as the final implementation report can be found below.

ETUC Interpretation Guide

The interpretation guide, available below, provides an overview on the content of the agreement, chapter by chapter, focusing on the main issues at stake as discussed throughout the negotiations. Furthermore, this guide provide in the annexes further information on some good examples of implementation (Annex 1).

It is intended to support the ETUC member organisations in the implementation of the content of the agreement and to allow better monitoring and evaluation of the results achieved. It is also hoped that this guide will help to enhance the dissemination and awareness of this agreement and its content among social partners, workers and the public at large.


ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - EN.pdf
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - BG.pdf- Bulgarian Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - CZ.pdf- Czech Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - DE.pdf- German Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - ES.pdf- Spanish Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - FI.pdf- Finnish Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - FR.pdf- French Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - HU.pdf- Hungarian Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - HR.pdf- Croatian Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - LV.pdf- Latvian Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - NO.pdf- Norvegian Download
ILM 2010_Framework Agreement - SW.PDF- Swedish Download
ILM 2014_Final Joint Implementation report - EN.pdf
ILM 2013_3rd joint table version final2 - EN.pdf
ILM 2012_2nd joint table version final3 - EN.pdf
ILM 2011_1st joint table version final - EN.pdf
Interpretation Guide Inclusive Labour Markets - EN
ILM_ETUC Interpretation Guide_FR.PDF- French Download
ILM_ETUC Interpretation Guide_DE.PDF- German Download