All about the European Social Dialogue
European Trade Union Confederation
What's new?

ETUC handbook to the implementation of the Council Recommendation of 12.06.2023
This handbook identifies three main topics of intervention:

Digital Tool
The new website to support the implementation of the joint framework agreement on digitalisation is out!

Val Duchesse Social Partner Declaration - 31st January 2024

ETUC Interpretation guide for the European Social Partners Agreement on Digitalisation
The new ETUC Interpretation guide for the European Social Partners Agreement on Digitalisation is out! Don't miss it!

Seventh joint multiannual work programme for 2022-2024
The seventh joint multiannual work programme for 2022-2024 has just been signed!

5th UfM Ministerial Conference
New joint Statement of the ufm social partners!

RECOMMENDATIONS - Skills, Innovation and the provision of/and Access to Training
The Social Partners recommendations on Skills, Innovation and the provision of/and access to training are out!

Final Implementation report Active Ageing Agreement
The final implementation report of the Framework Agreement on Active Ageing and an inter-generational Approach is out!

Final Report of the European Social Partners’ project on Circular Economy and the world of work
The Final Report of the European Social Partners’ project on Circular Economy and the world of work is now published!

European Social Partners joint statement on childcare provisions in the EU
Check the new European Social Partners Joint Statement on Childcare Provisions in the EU!!!

Conference: Social dialogue as an important pillar of economic sustainability and the resilience of economies
German Presidency Event on 10 November 2020 featuring National and European Social Partners

European Social Partners Agreement on Digitalisation 2020
Check out the new European Social Partiners Agreement on Digitalisation!!

Framework agreement on Active Ageing and an Inter-generational Approach - An ETUC interpretation guide
The Interpretation Guide to the Framework Agreement on Active Ageing and an Inter-Generational Approach is published!

A toolkit for Gender Equality
Download here the toolkit for Gender Equality!
EU Social Dialogue
This section provides information and practical assistance aimed at social partner representatives (and especially trade union organisations) as well as practitioners in industrial relations on policy and legislative developments on European social dialogue.
Thematic Projects
Since 2004 the ETUC has undertaken so-called "Integrated Projects" together with BusinessEurope, CEEP and SMEunited, co-financed by the European Commisson. Activities in these projects are aimed at strengthening the link between social dialogue at national and European level, as well as specific objectives identified in the work programmes of the European social partners.