Last project update :
23 July 2020
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Gender 2

A Toolkit for "Gender Equality in Practice"

In 2005, the European social partners BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP, UEAPME and the ETUC committed to contribute to "enhancing gender equality on the labour market and in the workplace". They considered that they have a key role to play and adopted the Framework of Actions on Gender Equality  focusing on four priorities (addressing gender roles; promoting women in decision-making; supporting work-life balance; tackling the gender pay gap)

In the framework of the Integrated Programme 2013-14, the European social partners have undertaken a project aiming at taking stock of the concrete examples of the implementation of the Framework of Actions on Gender equality at the work place: "A Toolkit for Gender Equality in Practice".

The objective of the toolkit is to promote a selection of up to 100 initiatives of social partners' activities on gender equality reported at the workplace level or by national social partners' themselves, building upon the four priorities identified in the 2005 Framework of Actions and the 2009 final evaluation report of this EU social partners' instrument. The "Toolkit for Gender Equality in Practice" encompass: a web-based interface, brochures and videos.

Launching Conference: "A Toolkit for Gender Equality in Practice"

The European social partners organised the launching conference of their "Toolkit for Gender Equality in Practice" in Madrid, Spain, on Wednesday 7 May 2014. 

In addition to the launching exercise, the event was an opportunity to provide a space for national social partners from various EU countries to present and explain challenges encountered on gender equality and how they can be addressed going forward.


