Financial incentives for research and development and skills investments - Encouraging employers to invest in research, innovation and upskilling their workforce and supporting employees to acquire the required skills and qualifications to meet
Rapid labour market changes such as the industry 4.0 revolution, digitalisation, social, demographic and environmental transitions and global challenges require joint actions on improving education and training systems in a way that fosters innovation and enhances employees’ re-skilling and up-skilling.
In this context the European social partners are undertaking a project on innovation, skills, provision of and access to training. This seminar is one of three thematic seminars organised as part of project activities with the aim of producing a joint report and policy recommendations.
Objectives of the seminar
- Present the initial findings from the desk research by project experts;
- Discuss the financing of skills strategies and employee training for innovation through looking at incentives such as grants, loans, training funds, learning accounts and vouchers.
ETUC’s position on an EU initiative on Individual Learning Accounts
Presentations: ADAPT || CEDEFOP || UNSA, Christine Savantré || LLLC, Financing Employee Training in Luxembourg || Riikka Heikinheimo, Confederation of Finnish Industries || Michèle Perrin, CFDT || Francesco Lauria, CISL || Riina Nousiainen, STTK