Last project update :
4 December 2020
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Study on Flexicurity in the EU

Between 2010 and 2011 the ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME and CEEP developed a joint study designed to assess the implementation of the common principles of flexicurity and the role of social partners in the process.

This study covers 29 countries, all 27 EU Member States and Candidate Countries Croatia and Turkey.


A team of subcontracted experts realised 29 national fiches that illustrate available data on quantitative indicators and commentary on the implementation of the relevant 'flexicurity' policy measures. The fiches incorporate the views of social partners on the basis of desk research, interviews, replies to a questionnaire and good practices.

The fiches were discussed during cluster seminars, each involving 7-8 countries, that mix together geographically disparate countries of different sizes and with different industrial relations systems. The findings of the 4 cluster seminars and 29 fiches were presented at an EU-wide seminar to be held in Brussels on 31 March & 1 April 2011.

Synthesis Seminar - Social Partners and Flexicurity in contemporary labour markets (Brussels, 31st March & 1st April 2011)

Agenda : EN, FR

Synthesis Report "Social Partners and Flexicurity in Contemporary Labour Markets": EN, FR


Minutes of the conference: EN

Cluster 4 (The Hague - 8th February 2011)

Agenda: EN

National Fiches:

PowerPoint presentations:

Cluster Seminar Minutes: EN

Cluster 3 (Paris, 31st January & 1st February 2011)

Agenda: EN

National Fiches:

PowerPoint presentations:

Cluster Seminar Minutes: EN

Cluster 2 (Lisbon, 9th and 10th December 2010)

Agenda: EN

National Fiches:

PowerPoint presentations:

Cluster Seminar Minutes: EN

Cluster 1 (Warsaw, 22-23 November 2010)

Agenda: EN

National Fiches:

PowerPoint presentations:

Cluster Seminar Minutes: EN