Cluster seminar #1 on reinforcing EU social dialogue and industrial relations, Romania, 21 March 2019


Building on the 27 June 2016 statement of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Social Partners on “A New Start For The Social Dialogue”,  BusinessEurope, CEEP, SMEunited and ETUC are committed to follow-up on the need to discuss further the interplay between the European and national social dialogues, the needs and challenges of social partners organisations in changing economies and societies, including capacity building, and the relevance of the European social dialogue in the context of further coordination of economic and social policies.


In this context, the European social partners’ secretariats aim to gather national social partners in cluster seminars to foster discussions and a better understanding of national situations and needs. The seminars will also encourage discussions between social partners to find solutions and means to adapt their working methods, instruments and the labour market institutions, including promoting the role and relevance of collective bargaining.


Objectives of the seminar

  • Present the latest outcomes of the European social dialogue and ongoing topics discussed at European level with national affiliates;
  • Increase knowledge of social dialogue and collective bargaining at national level in a comparative and proactive way, with separate workshops and reporting sessions;
  • Foster a common understanding of the role and contribution of social partners at both European and national levels;
  • Further identify capacity building needs as a way to achieve strong, representative, autonomous and mandated social partners organisations with the capacities needed to negotiate, thereby improving governance and policy making outcomes;
  • Monitor the implementation and follow-up of European social dialogue instruments.


Documents and Presentations


List of Participants
